Description / How to play:

ApoPushBlock4k is a clever, stylish puzzle game.

Try to place one of the stones in the lined zone,
by steping stones over other stones.

Click a stone you want to use and drag the mouse
over one of the arrows, then release.

The numbers on the stones is the amout of other
stones that will be placed in the direction you

Press 'r' to restart the level
Press 'n' to start the next level
Press 'p' to start the previous level


Q: Hey I like that game!
A: Thanks.

Q: Do you make more ingenious 4k games?
A: Yes! Try them out and visit my 4k game site.

Q: Was that basic gameplay your idea?
A: No! The game is called Stepping' Stones by Emiel de Graaf.

About the game:

ApoPushBlock4k was made by Dirk Aporius,
for the 2013 Java 4k Competition.
The entire game is less than 4kb.

Source code