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SALAD - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.KitchenIngredient
Salad kitchen ingredient.
SaladDeluxe - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe
The type Salad deluxe.
SaladDeluxe() - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.SaladDeluxe
Instantiates a new Salad deluxe.
samePosition(Vector) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.actionPoints.ActionPoint
gibt zurück, ob der übergebene Vektor die gleiche Position hat wie der ActionPoint
serve() - Static method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.action.Action
Der Spieler soll ein Gericht dem Kunden übergeben
Der Befehl funktioniert nur, wenn der Spieler auf einem ActionPoint mit KitchenActionPointEnum == CUSTOMER steht
und der Spieler einen Teller in der Hand hat
SERVE - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.Order
Serve order.
SERVEABLE - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.CookingStatus
Serveable cooking status.
setAction(Action) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai.player.Player
setzt die naechste Action des Spieler auf den uebergebenen Wert
einzige Moeglichkeit die Spieler zu steuern
setColor(float[]) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets color.
setCompleteCost(float) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathPoint
Sets complete cost.
setCurAnimation(int) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets cur animation.
setCurrentCost(float) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathPoint
Sets current cost.
setCustomer(boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets customer.
setDish(KitchenDish) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets dish.
setIngredient(KitchenIngredient) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets ingredient.
setLineWidth(float) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets line width.
setOnActionPoint(boolean) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets on action point.
setOrder(Order) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets order.
setParent(PathPoint) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathPoint
Sets parent.
setPoints(float) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets points.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets position.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.pathfinding.PathPoint
Sets selected.
setSpice(KitchenSpice) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets spice.
setUpgrade(KitchenUpgrade) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
setVector(Vector) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets vector.
setWaitHelper(WaitHelper) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.KitchenPlayer
Sets wait helper.
SPICE_TAKE - com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.enums.KitchenActionPointEnum
Spice take kitchen action point enum.
StringEntity - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity
StringEntity(float, float, int) - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.StringEntity
Student - Annotation Type in com.apogames.kitchenchef.ai
The interface Student.
StudentPasta - Class in com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe
The type Student pasta.
StudentPasta() - Constructor for class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.recipe.StudentPasta
Instantiates a new Student pasta.
sub(float, float) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.Vector
Subtracts vector component-wise from a copy of this instance.
sub(Vector) - Method in class com.apogames.kitchenchef.game.entity.Vector
Subtracts vectors component-wise and returns a new instance.
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